


The Ministry of National Education of Youth and Sports is not represented in the municipality. Two kindergarten, several primary schools (preschool level included), four secondary schools and three literacy centers were counted in the commune. There are no universities or colleges


The Ministry of Public Health and Population is not represented in the commune. There are only two health centers without a bed with a medical staff consisting of a nurse trainee, auxiliaries and twenty-four certified matrons


On the side of religion, we have inventoried nearly twenty seven churches. The number of Catholic, Baptist, and Pentecostal churches are more prevalent.


The commune has a telephone service and a postal service which exists only in the city under the supervision of two factors. There is no radio station, newspaper / magazine, nor television station in the town of Petite Rivière de Nippes.


As for Leisure, the town has no library, museum, nor movie theater. The parish hall in the city center sometimes serves as a theater. Football (soccer) is the only sport practiced in the municipality. In addition, seventeen gauntlets listed in the town complement the few existing recreational areas.


Native people are taught and knowledge is handed down from generation to generation on how to grow their crops and utilize the resources the land offers to the fullest extent. They are aware of what crops grow and thrive there and have made these their main industrial crops. Farming there is an art to be passed down through posterity helping to sustain the people of Petite-Riviere-de-Nippes.